Thursday, December 29, 2011


   As this year comes to a close, it is time to reflect on accomplishments of 2011 and goals for 2012:
   When I sat down to write this, I didn't think there was much to 2011.  Then, I got up and put a load of clothes in the washing machine and God revealed what He has been up to in my life this year.  2011 was amazing!
   It started out with my son telling me I really needed to get a job back in nursing and he told me about an opening in my little town.  I applied and landed the job.  I was then fired on Valentine's Day due to the bad weather.  So, I was employed for less than two months.  No unemployment since my job the year before was as an independent contractor.
  Another son of mine had been unemployed while I was nursing, so I sat around the house for a while and I was working a lead, when I suggested to my unemployed son that he should contact this one guy I had been talking to and go to work for him in Dallas.  He did, and I went with him to work there.  I was there for about two months and I came back home.  He stayed and worked.  What a blessing!
   When I got home, I was able to do some work for my brother-in-law in Arizona.  His brother had died November a year ago and I examined the medical file.  That helped him realize that they had a case to fight in court if  they needed to, to settle the will which was in dispute.  He still has a case to sue the hospital and doctors for malpractice if he chooses.  He would not have had the confidence to fight if I had not been available to help by examining the medical records.  What a blessing!
   Then my sister had surgery and since I had no steady job, I was available to go to her and help while she recovered.  As it turned out, she had three surgeries at the same time and ended up in ICU for seven days.  I stayed with her and her husband for three weeks.  I could not have done that if I had been employed.  What a blessing!
   Since I had no income to pay my bills, my S.O. stepped in and offered everything he had.  I helped him by cleaning and shopping and tending to things he was unable to do since he was working night shift.  He has been an unimaginable blessing!  So has my son, who pays one of my bills every month without my asking and he never mentions it.  But, I know.  What a blessing!
   My friend's daughter-in-law lost her battle with cancer, but I started my blog due to her struggle.  I also got on facebook and ended up finding friends who I have known since I was fifteen years old, but haven't talked with in a while.  What a blessing!
   So, 2011 was not a bad year.  I have had my eyes opened as to what is of importance in my life and what things are trivial.  I have made choices that maybe were not the best choices, but I stand by them.  I have really restrained myself from trying to impose my wisdom on those who do not want it, even though it is so obvious to me.
   Now, for 2012:
1.  I will bow to my God no less than once a day.  I will concentrate on
     nurturing my relationship with Him as if there were no 2013.
2.  I will make time for my family.  God blessed me with the best parents in
     the world.  I have three wonderful sons.  And I have a healthy  
     granddaughter.  My sons are engaged to be married, so let the party begin! 
3. I will make money to support myself and pay back those who have been so
     selfless, including Frankie, who helped long ago.  I have not forgotten.
4.  I will pray for all my friends, family, and my S.O. and his family by name.
     I practice this at least once a week, but my sons, I pray for daily.  I will also
     pray for Israel, as I believe this puts a smile on God's face.
5.  I will be actively involved in electing our next President.  We shall defeat
     the socialist in the White House.
6.  I will consciously attempt not to buy or sell on Sunday, to honor my God
     by "keeping the Sabbath holy".

   I am sure my list for 2012 will evolve as the year progresses, but one thing for sure:  the only thing in this world that is important is my relationship with my God.  He allowed me the time to be there for my family this year and provided for my physical NEEDS.  I praise you always, Lord.  Amen.

   What about you?  You are welcomed to leave your comments without signing in.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


   Don't wish me a "happy holiday".  What is "happy holiday"?  Does America know what we are celebrating?  Happy Thanksgiving.  Happy Mother's Day.  Merry Christmas.  There.  That wasn't so difficult, was it?  Merry Christmas.  What is wrong with Christmas? 
   The grocery advertisement (H.E.B) comes on the television saying we will save you more jingle for less kringle, shows Christmas decorations, and says "happy holidays"!  What is wrong with this picture!?!  Are we saving more "kringle" on Thanksgiving?  Why do we have Christmas decorations if we are celebrating Thanksgiving.  Why can't we say "Christmas"?
   The auto ad comes on television touting "holiday" savings.  There is Santa selling cars.  So, is the holiday they are talking about Father's Day?  Why is Santa in the commercial if we are not talking about Christmas?  What is so difficult about saying "Christmas"?
   T.J. Maxx had Christmas in their commercial.  Target did not--theirs is a "howliday".  Target had Christmas tree, Christmas cookies, decorations, but it was a "howliday" they were promoting.
   Lexus has a "season to remember" but no Christmas.
   UPS has "holiday" hours.
TMobile has a "4G wonderland."
   Sears has Christmas.
  White Diamonds--this elegant holiday gift.....not Christmas!
  WalMart guarantees lowest "Christmas" prices.
  Spec's.---no Christmas.
  Lincoln autos--no Christmas.
  As November closes, Thanksgiving is over, December begins, I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  If you see me on the streets, I refuse to wish you a "Happy Holiday", so don't insult me by saying something so absurd!  December..Christmas. 
   Merry Christmas, everyone.

You can also follow me at, where we discuss news that the mainstream media omits;, where we have Bible reading; and, where we discuss health issues.  Just click the links.

Friday, November 25, 2011



  I consider myself a good mom.  When I was raising my sons, my focus was on their welfare.  In having a dog, I consider myself a good human.  I even make his dog food instead of buying that dry stuff that has been on the shelves of the stores forever.  I got the recipe from my oldest son, who gave me the dog.  I bathe him, and care for him.
   The morning routine is for him to wake me up, I have a cup of coffee (he hasn't learned how to prepare the coffeepot), then I take him outside to do his business.  His favorite place in the house is at the window.  He will lay at the window with his little head on the window seal, watching the squirrels.  He does not like to be shut in a room where he cannot reach the window.
   This morning, after my cup of coffee, I put him on the leash and started out the door.  He gets excited when the squirrels are on the ground.  So, he goes to squealing and I let go of the leash, so he can run the squirrels.  The squirrels go from the closest tree, across the driveway, and toward the trees by the fence.  Sir Barkley was in hot pursuit. 
   The squirrels went from our yard to the next yard and He was watching them go from tree to tree.  He was running.  There was the fence.  Oops!  He stopped abruptly.  When he came away from the fence, he was a Pekingese!  He looked at me like I did something wrong.  The fence has been there forever.  He knew it.  It was not my fault he ran into it. 
   I laughed so hard, I thought I would wet myself.

You can also follow us at, where we read the Bible, at, where we talk about news you can't get from the mainstream media, and, where we discuss health issues.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


   How many single moms are faced with trying to give their children the best holidays they can.  We want to minimize psychological trauma.  It is bad enough that the family is no longer together, but how much can we control? 
   I can't imagine what my sons thought while they were growing up.  One can say I was a little unconventional when it came to holidays.  I had a problem with authority.  Just because the calendar told me I had to celebrate a particular holiday didn't exactly mean I was going to obey.  We celebrated holidays when we decided to, not always when the calendar told us to. 
   My focus on the holidays, whether Christmas, the Fourth of July, or Mother's Day was to give my sons all the attention.  Sometimes that meant stealing their attention away from sadness.  I was everything and I did my best to have them forget that.  We would celebrate Christmas in January.  We would celebrate Thanksgiving in December.  We would celebrate December birthdays in the summer.
   Years later, I don't see any psychological scars from taking our holidays when we decided we wanted to.  Single Moms, don't stress yourself out.  Do your best, as you always do.  Just love the kids.  Stuff a wienie instead of a turkey! 
   Oh, and Christmas:  My sons never knew what to expect.  I would have empty boxes everywhere.  I would have canned vegetables in boxes, wrapped in wrapping paper.  We always laughed.  Today, my sons ask if I have canned vegetables at Christmas.
   Remember, it is not about convention, it is about people.  Just do your best and love the kids.

Just click the links.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


   I guess you've heard by now that the millionaires of the National Basketball Association (NBA) are in a disagreement with the billionaires of the NBA.  There is a couple of alternatives for those of us who really like our b ball.  This Saturday is the last game of the season for my S.O.'s 8 year old grandaughter.  She has absolutely entertained everybody who has attended her games, in spite of her coach.  For someone who enjoys basketball, I have really been impressed.  I am not looking forward to her season ending.
   There have been junior high and high school basketball games.  Even though I have no ties to these games, I am inclined to take her to some of these games.  Who knows, we may discover something that is better than the NBA.  We may even get involved in the junior high and high school football games also.  At least these games are not aired on Sunday.  I wonder if the big organized sports people are listening.
   See you at the game.

We are currently having a fund raising with proceeds going to bring my Mother home to live with me.  With a donation of $48.50 to, we will ship a homemade New York style cherry cheescake to the recepient of your choice.  E-mail us with the address of your chosen recepient at  Honoring our parents is the only commandment with a blessing.  Blessings to you for helping.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


   I was watching the local news yesterday when the reporter was showing a massive traffic jam.  An 18 wheeler had jack-knifed on a rain soaked major freeway and spilled his load of fuel.  The freeway was closed for hours.  No body was injured. The reporter was interviewing the stranded motorists.  I was particularly attentive to one man who was interviewed who talked to his family through the camera to let them know he was stranded but that he would be home as soon as he could be.  He knew of no way around the problem.
   That is when it struck me about our biggest blessing:  family.  In my years of working as a nurse, the best medicine was when family was allowed to visit with the patients.  When we feel helpless, we tend to consider our families before we consider ourselves.  "How will my family handle this situation without me?"  "I have to be strong for my family."  "I have to overcome this situation because my family depends on me."
   Personally, at my lowest period of my life, it was my children that I focused on to keep me functioning.  But for them, my life would have surely turned out very differently.  What about you?
   When I count my blessings, it is not the material things that is foremost in my gratitude, but my relationships.  I have known people who focus so much energy on making money when the most precious gift is their family, who barely knows they exist. 

You can also follow me at,, and  Just click the links. 
To order a cheesecake by Christmas delivery, e-mail me at

Monday, November 7, 2011



   We have just over two weeks before Thanksgiving.  Great cooks are already preparing so the stress isn't overwhelming.  Besides the meal, we have extra cleaning to do, shopping, preparing, and still have our daily lives to live.  So, let me help with a few tips:
1.  Study the weekly ads for the best prices to save on the groceries
     you know you will require, including the sage.
2.  Start cleaning the house one room at a time.  There is time to keep from
     being stressed.  Invite friends/family to a "cleaning house" party.  Make it
     fun.  Who knows, we may start another tradition.
3.  Bake what you can in advance. 
      A.  Right now, you can bake the cornbread and biscuits for the stuffing
            and freeze it until you are ready for it.
      B.  You can make cookie dough now and freeze it if you will be offering
            cookies for Thanksgiving.  I like the sugar cookies.
      C.  Bake your cheesecake now and freeze it.
4.  Make sure your decorations are worthy.  If you need to replace a piece,
     shop now, before the stores are so full and the selection is reduces.

Here is one of my favorite cheesecake recipes.  I have never had a complaint on this.  I will not eat those "plastic" cheesecakes that are purchased in the grocery stores. 

Philadelphia New York Cheesecake
9  Honey Maid Honey Grahams, crushed (1 1/2C.)
1  C. + 3 T. sugar, divided
3  T. butter, melted
5   pkg. (8 oz. each) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened
3   T. all purpose flour
1   T. vanilla
1   C. sour cream
4   eggs
1   can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling

* This recipe is best made the day before you plan to eat it so it can set.

Heat oven to 325 degrees F.  Mix crumbs, 3 T. sugar and butter; press firmly onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan.  (I like to double the amount of crust) Bake 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, beat cream cheese, remaining sugar (1 cup), flour and vanilla with mixer until blended.  Add sour cream; mix well.  Add eggs, one at a time, mixing on low speed after each just until blended.  Pour over crust
Bake at 325 degrees F. for an hour and 5 minutes or until center is almost set.  Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim.  Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.
Top with pie filling. 
Prep. time: 15 minutes.  Total:  4 hours 55 minuted (including refrigerating)

**  another way to bake this is to pour a layer of melted chocolate between the base and filling.  Let it set before adding the filling.

*** Spray the sides of the pan with no-stick cooking spray to minimize cracking.  You can also wrap foil around the bottom of the springform pan and place it in a bain-marie (hot water bath) to minimize cracking.

**** My Daughter likes the cheesecake slow baked:  pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees.  Bake the cheesecake for 10-15 minutes, then turn the temperature down to 250 degrees for another hour and 15-30 minutes  (until the center of the cheesecake no longer looks glossy but instead looks dull - about 155-160 degrees if you have a thermometer).  Turn the oven off and open the door to allow the cheesecake to cool---about 15 minutes.  Then loosen the rim and allow to finish cooling on the counter.  Refrigerate over night.

    Some have suggested to start at 325 with the crust, take crust out, put filling in, return pan to oven and immediately turn down to 200 degrees and bake for 2 - 3 hours

   Here is another thought:   I let mine completely cool on counter. Then I put it in fridge and dont remove spring tell next day. It was a trick I was told and so far not had it happened again

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


   Did you see game 7 of the World Series?  It should have ended in 6 but it is what it is.  At the end of game 7, David Freese was named MVP and was awarded a brand new Chevrolet Corvette.  Allow me to examine this, if you will, keeping in mind that I don't begrudge him the car.  But...
   My Chevrolet truck has nearly a half a million miles on it.  I think I would gladly give it back to the company for a free new one.  It has been faithful through raising three boys.  I have performed routine maintenance on it.  It doesn't look bad.  In fact, I have had people offer to buy it when I have no intention of selling it.  I have grown attatched to it.  But, if they offered a free new one for it.
   Seriously, I was laying in bed just last night pondering my wealth.  I was lying in a comfortable bed with pillows and blankets for my comfort.  I had had a shower with clean running water.  I have indoor plumbing so I can use the toilet.  I had eaten food yesterday and did not go to bed hungry.  I am in excellent health.  I have intelligence.  My sons are well.  I get to communicate with my Mother and Dad regularly.  They are walking and talking and breathing.  Daddy works almost everyday.  I have friends and family for emotional support.  I have access to God's word and am not persecuted for my religion.   I have much to be grateful for.  And I am grateful.
   Besides, my truck still works.  Why be greedy?

You can also follow me at, where we have returned to the Book of Job.

Monday, October 31, 2011


   As previously stated, my day was very busy.  You see, at my age, I try to get everything out of every minute I am granted on this earth.  I am not getting any younger.  Right?  Except when I went to Denver...I was an hour younger there.  But I digress.  My time is valuable to me if it is not valuable to anyone else on this planet. 
   Then, I went shopping.  I needed clothes, so when I saw that J C Penney's was having a sale, I decided to stop in.  I shopped online, since I have had bad experiences in the stores before.  No one is ever working who knows their products.  I don't work in their store, so I don't know their products, either.  The combination gives me a headache.  I loose patience with ineptitude.  If I ever performed like these people on my job, I would have been brought up in front of the Board of Nurse Examiners.  But I have to understand these people are not me and they don't have the education I have.  Nor do they have the people skills I have.
   I parked in the Dillard's parking lot and walked through their store, through the thoroughfare, and into the J C Penney's store.  I went straight to the department I needed.  I looked.  I looked.  Then, I found a clerk, who told me to look.  I told her I had.  She said that if I didn't find what I was looking for, they did not have it in the store but she could order what I wanted over the internet but they would have to have them delivered to the store and I would have to go through all of this again, or they would charge me to have them delivered to my house.  There were kids running amok in the store with their adult people with them totally ignoring them.  One of them ran into me.  I did not loose my footing, nor was I hurt.  Thank you for asking.  I was quickly running out of patience.  I asked the clerck if there were more items "in the back".  She repeated that if I did not see what I wanted on the shelf, they did not have it.  I asked for the manager.
   While I am standing there at the register, the clerk was attending to other customers.  After waiting about ten minutes, the "manager" arrived.  I explained that they were having a sale and the items I wanted were not on the shelf and I asked if she could help.  I had come in to the store to buy the items and carry them home.  She was clearly irritated and asked if the clerk had offered to order them online.  I confirmed that she had.  The manager then said, well either she can or I can but that is all we can do.  I explained that the clerk stated that I would be charged for home delivery even though it was not my fault that the items were not on the shelf and I was in the store now.  She repeated that I would be charged for home delivery or I could go through the stress of coming back to the store to pick up the order.
   The clerk went back to the register to place my order.  I told her I was not going to pay extra for home delivery, which would be another $7.00!  I was saving just about that by buying on sale.  She handed me the receipt and I left.  Before I left the store, I checked the receipt, as is a habit of mine, even in the grocery.  She had charged me for home delivery.  I stormed back to the register.  The manager was still there.  I let them know I was not happy with being charged the extra especially after I made it plain that I would not be getting anything on sale if I am charged the savings on my convenience.  The manager had the clerk go to another register and refund that money.  What kind of customer service is this?!?
   Two weeks later, October 3rd, I had been tracking my order online, and the message kept reading "in progress".  I should have had the order 7-10 days after the order was placed, so I phoned the number on the receipt.  I was told that the "credit" department had questions and had placed the order on hold pending receiving information from me.  I paid cash for the order.  I informed the voice on the phone that I paid cash for the order.  She verified that the invoice read that I paid cash for the order.  "Then, why does the credit department have a hold on my order since I paid cash for the order?"  She could not say, but I could call back tomorrow to discuss it with them.
   The next day, rather than phoning the credit department, I went to the store,
to cancell the order and get my money back.  The clerk in catalog advised me that the manager had to go elsewhere to get the cash. I was waiting a long time, maybe thirty minutes.  Finally, the guy came with the cash and the clerk started counting out the refund.  It was $7.00 more than it should have been.  I corrected her and informed her that I had already received the refund on the shipping charges. 
   After all of that, I finally left.  What had I spent my life on?  Absolutely nothing!  That is what I had left to wear...Absolutely nothing.  All that trouble for NOTHING!
   I stopped at Kohl's on the way home.  We will talk about that trip later. 
   About a week after I cancelled my order from Penney's, I received a check for the full amount, including the shipping charges.  REALLY, WHAT DOES IT TAKE?  It would have been a lot simpler if they had just shipped my order to my house, minus the shipping charges.  I sent the check back.  I do not have the energy to go back to the store.  Maybe I should be their "mystery shopper".

Friday, October 28, 2011


   So, I have got to tell you the story:  My youngest son is just the cutest thing you have ever seen.  He always has been.  Growing up, he just had a serious problem eating meat loaf.  So, being the resourceful mom I am, I changed the name to a "giant sized hamburger bake".  It didn't fool him.  He still did not like it.  I just can't blame him.  After all, when was the last time you ate anything that had already "loafed"?  Here is the recipie:
3 lb ground chuck
1     egg
1     pkg of Lipton Onion Beef Soup Mix
1     small can tomato sauce
1     medium onion, diced
1/3 C. grated cheese
1     t. salt
1/8 t. pepper
  Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.  Line 9x13x2 inch pan with heavy aluminum foil.  Mix all ingredients together.  Pat together so it will hold together better.  Form in baking pan in the shape of meat loaf.  Top with catsup.  Bake for about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


   Today is my birthday.  I am !@#%! years old.  This has by far been the best day of my life this year.  I have been in touch with each of my sons.  I love each one of them.  Each has his own great qualities.  I should know, I put them there.  LOL  O.K., maybe I just recognize them.  My S.O. is beyond words.  He is one of the best parts of my life.  I have been able to talk to both my Mother and my Dad.  How great is that?  I also heard from my sisters.  I had food to eat and a house to keep the weather at bay.  WHAT A GREAT LIFE!  I praise God for my life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


   So, how many times a day do you engage in conversation with someone that you think to yourself, "How stupid can you get?"  I have switched my occupation from nursing to sales.  Let me tell you, in the course of any given day, I run into Stupid a lot.  No matter how much you try to explain, in how many ways, you just can't change Stupid.
   Take for example this dentist's office I just phoned.  I had contacted them a couple of days ago for an appointment because we had got a referral from a family member that this dentist was really good.  I went online to obtain the phone number and address to call.  These guys were just a dot on the world wide web.  I really had to dig just to obtain the phone number.  Then, the business address was not available.  So, I had to dig even more, because the dentist could not fix our teeth over the phone.  We actually had to go to that business for him to work on us.  Really?
   Then I phoned the dentist's office to let them know that I could help increase their customer base.  What I got was that the office manager does not do marketing.  Duh!  I obtained the name of the office manager and told the receptionist that I would call back when she was available.  So, I called today for the office manager.  I was told that she does not want to talk to me because marketing costs money.  Well, hello Stupid!  The receptionist costs monet, the office manager costs money, it costs money to drive to work!  It goes back to the KNOWN principle that you have to spend money to make money.  Duh!
   Thank you for the time you spent to read this post.  I feel better by writing it.  You are welcome to leave your opinion in the comments section.

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Monday, October 17, 2011


The following is from a 1986 Betty Crocker's cookbook.  I often omit the coconut and substitute 1/2 of a 12oz package of Nestle Premium White Morsels.  I have NEVER had a complaint about the cookies either way.  Enjoy.

1C.      margarine or butter, softened
1C.      packed brown sugar
1/2 C. granulated sugar
1         egg
2 1/4 C. all-purpose flour*
1 t.         baking soda
1 C.       flaked coconut
1  jar  (3 1/2 oz.) macadamia nuts, coarsely chopped

Heat oven to 375 degrees.  Cream margarine, sugars. And egg, mix well.  Stir in flour and baking soda (dough will be stiff).  Stir in coconut and nuts.  Drop dough by heaping teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto un-greased cookie sheet.  Bake until light brown, 8 to 10 minutes.  (Centers will be soft.)  Cool slightly; remove from cookie sheet 
About 4 1/2 dozen cookies; 85 calories per cookies
* if using self-rising flour, omit baking soda.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011


   As promised, I will share the recipies with you from my day last Monday.  This is one that I found on the Nestle Toll House Premier White Morsels bag:

2 1/4 C. all-purpose flour
   2/3 C.  Nestle Toll House Baking Cocoa
       1 t.   baking soda
    1/4 t.   salt
       1 C.  (2 sticks) butter or margarine, softened
    3/4 C.  granulated sugar
    2/3 C.  packed brown sugar
       1 t.    vanilla extract
       2       large eggs
       2  C. (12 oz. pkg.) Nestle Toll House Premiere White Morsels

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Combine flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt in small bowl.  Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla extract in large mixer bown until creamy.  Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addiion.  Gradually beat in flour mixture.  Stir in morsels.  Drop by well-rounded teaspoons onto ungreased baking sheets.
Bake for 9-11 minutes or until centers are set.  Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.
Makes about 5 dozen cookies.
You can also substitute a package of semi-sweet chocolate morsels and a cup of walnuts in stead of the white morsels.
If you enjoy homemade cooking but don't have time or skill to make the dough, e-mail me and we can set up for you to obtain the cookie dough and still bake it yourself.  The holidays are right around the corner and there is nothing like the odor of home baking to fill the house.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


   Last night, I went to bed after writing out my itinerary for today.  So, when I got up this morning, I grabbed my itinerary and went to work:  Started the coffeepot.  Added laundry soap to the washing machine and started washing the whites.  Yes, I added the bleach when the water covered the clothes.  I turned the oven on to preheat.  Then I got dressed and took the dog out to pe.  All was right on track.  
   I had filled the washing machine last night. I had also made two kinds of cookie dough last night and put them in the fridge. I had placed a london broil in the fridge to thaw.  The printer was not working last night, so I decided to try it again tomorrow.  I was finally getting organized.  I had called on seven businesses yesterday and I was on fire!
   It was a busy morning:  The london broil was for a beef vegetable soup.  Does anybody really care about my beef vegetable soup?  Does anybody care about the new recipie I discovered yesterday for chocolate cookies, or about the macadamia white chocolate cookies that my SO loves so much?  It was such a busy morning that I only washed one load of clothes!  My itinerary was already falling apart.
   By the time I woke My Sugar up, his daughter was on her way to the house.  Oh, well.  I did not figure this in my itinerary.  Just a little set back.  My Sugar went to work, and back on track.  It is not my desire for my SO to work nights.  I would that he could stay home all day and visit with his family.  He is such a great guy.  I have never known any man who is so dedicated to his family. 
   I hate going shopping, but when my SO went to work, I went shopping for clothes for my job.  As usual, there is never anyone to help.  Where are the retail salesmen?  Why is there never any salesman to help customers locate what they are looking for?  Are you sitting on the edge of your seat?  Well, I am closing for now.  My next entries will be discussing all that is in this post. 
   Til then.....

Friday, September 30, 2011


   What is the most relaxing sound in the world to you?  You can buy thousands of  cd's with many different sounds such as water falls, chirping birds, crickets, giggling babies, etc.  My #1 most relaxing sound in the whole world is listening to my Mother snoring as she sleeps.  I love my Mother so much.  She is the only Mother I have ever had, the only one I have ever needed.  My Mother's snoring puts my mind at ease that she is alive and resting.  The even sound of her breathing, her snoring, is reassuring to me.  If I recorded the sound of my Mother snoring, it would not be as relaxing as listening to her in person.  I love you, Mother.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pennsylvania dutch chocolate cake

   I have been under the weather lately, and all I have wanted to eat is chocolate.  I found a pennsylvania dutch chocolate cake recipie in one of my old magazines, so I decided to bake it.  The Pennsylvania dutch chocolate cake recipie was not found in a Pennsylvania magazine, but I decided to try it anyway.  The magazine was bought in 1986.  It had brown sugar in the recipie.  I baked it in a bundt pan for about 40 minutes and guess tasted like a chocolate cake.  I'm no expert on Pennsylvania dutch chocolate cakes, mind you, but I do know what a chocolate cake should taste like.  I should have frosted it with chocolate buttercream frosting.  The recipie follows:

3oz.unsweetened chocolate
1/2 C.    water                                                              3/4 C.  butter or margarine
1 C.       sour cream                                                      1 C.     sugar
1 3/4 C. cake flour                                                     3/4 C.     firmly packed brown sugar
1 t.         baking soda                                                       3       large eggs
1 1/2 t.   baking powder                                               2 t.        vanilla
1/2 t.      salt
Grease and flour two 8-inch round pans.  Heat chocolate and water in heavy saucepan over low heat until chocloate is melted;  stir constantly.  Cool but do not allow chocolate to set up;  add sour cream and blend well.  Mix flour, powder, soda, and salt together;  set aside.  Cream butter.  Gradually add sugars;  beat until light and fluffy.  Add eggs, one at a time;  mix well after each addition.  Add dry ingredients alternately with chocolate mixture;  mix well.  Add vanilla.  Pour into prepared pans.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes, or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool 10 minutes;  release.  Cool completely before decorating.
The  Wilton. Yearbook 1986 Baking & Decorating
   I don't really care for box cake mixes, when I can bake a Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate Cake from scratch.  What about you?

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