Tuesday, March 27, 2012



   My Oldest Son is amazing.  He is brilliant.  He was the one to introduce my family into thinking outside of the box when it comes to employment.  He always said that he did not want to work at a job, but rather he wanted to be the boss.  He decided to reach for his dreams.  He has begun a variety of businesses and his mind keeps coming up with more ideas.
   There may be a curse on your family related to finances:  "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.  You shall not bow down to them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.  Exodus 20: 5,6  (NIV) 
   Some may have grown up on welfare.  As you reach the age of going out on your own and making your own way, you fall back on what is familiar, what you were taught.  The fact is that getting your relationship with God is the first step of taking control of your own destination, breaking the curse.  Then, get educated.
   Next, look at your gifts.  What are you above average in doing?  In America, everyone is expected to work for an hourly wage.  There is no wealth in that, but we focus on just paying the bills and getting by.  There is no shame in that, but why not work for yourself?  Yes, I am talking about starting your own business.  That is a scary idea, but once you think about it and take that first step, the sky is the limit!
    We noticed that the family curse was lifted when one of us siblings graduated high school.  That is a monumental task for a family with nothing, contributing to the finances of the family just to feed and clothe your siblings, pay the monthly bills.  Then one of us attended college.  One graduated college, another attended college.
   The next generation was born and graduated high school and some joined the military, some attended college.  But my Oldest Son said, "no".  He wanted to start at the top.  He would be the boss.  So, he became an entrepreneur.  He failed some, but he did not give up.    He worked for others long enough to learn what they knew, then he started another business.  He is forging the way for the next generation.  The curse is broken.
   What about you?  Is there a curse upon your family?  What are you doing to break it?  Worship the one and only God and pray for revival upon this country.  What my Oldest Son has taught me is to think out of the box.  Lay the ground work.  Get up and dust off your pants and get your hands dirty.  We live in the greatest country in the world.  Seek out those who can teach you.  Don't give up.

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