Wednesday, April 17, 2013



   I am a mother and a grandmother.  I love each of my sons the most, but differently, as each is different from the other.  I give my love to them and have since before they were born.  They do not need to earn my love, it is given freely and abundantly.  I long for a close relationship with each of them separately and collectively.  Relationships, though, take time and effort.  You pretty much get out of them what you put into them.
   I am mortal.  Knowing how I love my children and how I long for a relationship with them, how much more My Father in Heaven loves them!  He created them.  He has loved them since the beginning of time!  He must long for them to "come by and have a cup of coffee" with Him.  Even taking an hour a week to walk into His House must thrill Him.  Opening up His Word must put a smile on His face.  And actually talking with Him?.....just pick up the phone!  (prayer)
   My God has no grandchildren.  We are either His child or we are not.  His relationship with us is not through our parents, but personally, intimately ours.  I love my grandchild, but I did not give birth to her.  She has the most intimate relationship with her parents who raise her.  She is with them, learning who they are, obeying them, spending the most time with them.  I am the grandmother, who she spends time with occasionally.
   How little we do for God.  We cannot earn His love, any more than we can earn the love of our parents, spouses, or children.  He gives His love freely and undeserved.  We can have warts and He looks past them to our souls.  He knows what is in our hearts.  He knows our potential.  To Him, we are each so beautiful.
   How wonderful is my God, my Father!  I am blessed with a body that is conducive to having a relationship with Him....I can walk, read, think, etc.  These are blessings from Him and I will use them to rest in His love. 

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