Friday, January 20, 2012


   I can't help but think of my sister when I make scrambled eggs.  The only time I fry eggs these days is when I can find pastuerized eggs, because there is no reason to take a chance in contracting salmonella poisoning.  But when I scramble them, I think of my sister.
   I was 16 or 17, maybe 18 and she was in charge of taking care of me.  Now, understand that she is only two years older than I, but she was definately more mature.  I was very naive.  Anyway, she accepted the responsibility.  There was a time that we lived on what ever the milkman left at the front door.  That was eggs, butter, and milk.  That was mostly what we had to eat and were grateful for it.
   She is still like that today, all these years later.  She takes care of anyone that she thinks needs care.  How can you fault anyone like that?

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1 comment:

  1. my sorrow is as intense as the storms we have just experienced. my mind and my heart are disconnected. i know in my mind that G-d is in control, He loves us, He knows our pain, and He is working all things for our good. but my heart is so broken it is not receiving the messages. i am afraid that many who are close to me are experiencing the same sorrow and that compounds the pain because i feel like i am useless in comforting them
