Friday, September 6, 2013


   So, I described what happened with Ticketmaster recently, but let me tell you what happened yesterday:
   I was in town doing some errands when I decided to go by Pizza Hut and order a pizza.  Pizza is not part of my usual diet.  I very rarely eat pizza.  But, yesterday, I figured I would order one while I was knocking out a few things I needed to do, then I would swing by and pick up the pizza on my way back home.
   I pulled up to the drive in window and asked if I could place an order.  "Sure, what is your phone number?"
   "No, I will pay for it now and be back to pick it up."
   "Well, I need your phone number in case there is something wrong with the pizza."
   "Are you intending to send me on my way with a defective pizza?"
   "No, it is the computer."
   "All I want to do is order a pizza.  Can I order a pizza?"
   "Not without a phone number."
   So I thanked the idiot and drove away.
   If we are racist when we expect people to identify that they are who they say they are in order to vote; we discriminate against people when we don't serve them due to OUR religious beliefs, then, what is a business called that won't do business with someone without a phone number?  No, I mean instead of stupid!  Would you say Pizza Hut is racist?  Does Pizza Hut discriminate on the basis of gender?  Do they discriminate on the basis of age?  (I am an old woman.)  I need to ask my liberal friends how to label this company.

You are invited to leave a comment with your thoughts.


  1. Well, you just made your cousin whopping mad. What difference did it make to the employee as long as you paid for it and gave your name. If you didn't come back by closing, they could throw it in the trash. What they really wanted was a phone number to sell to marketers. Also now you are "doing business" with them so they can legally call you for surveys, i.e. Therefore by passing the DO NOT CALL list!!! Sorry I do not have a name for what they should be called. Maybe the Manager should be called or write a letter to the President of Pizza Hut. That will get some attention...maybe.

    1. Oh, Silly, I did not give them my phone number or my money. I am only forced to do business with insurance companies, not Pizza Hut.
