Saturday, November 3, 2012


   It has been a really long day.  I had to work Saturday this week, a six day week.  A good time was had by all yesterday at the cemetery:  we observed All Soul's Day with the Priest giving Mass and blessing individual graves.  Then, we had a committal service with a mariachi band and releasing of the doves.  It was nice: a wonderful tribute to a life lived, one who touched many.
   So, today was just a long day.  And it was busy at work.  So, after work, I went back to Brookshire Brother's to, once again, try to redeem the rain check I have had for a while.  They ran a special for choice cut sirloin for $2.99/lb.  I have made four trips to purchased these steaks, today was the fifth trip.  I just wanted to get the steaks and go home and kick my feet up.
   The meat department was open this time.  So, I got a shopping cart and headed back to it.  The butcher was there.  Well, maybe this time.....   But he had no whole sirloins that he could sell me.  The truck wouldn't be back until Monday.  There were small packages of the steaks in the show case, so I asked if I could just buy a couple of them at the adjusted price until they could accommodate the rain check.  The butcher, Alan,  called over a manager.  Alan asked if I was the woman who had been trying to get these steaks for a period of time.  Yes, that's me.  Obviously I was the talk of the store. 
   The manager was tall and young.  He was such a man.  He was strutting his stuff, looking down on this old woman and stating in no uncertain terms that the rules were the rules.  He could not sell the smaller packages at that price.  And what?  You can't even locate the rain check?  Well, no.  It must be in the truck.  I have been working on this for a while.  Again, no.  He would not sell the smaller packages for the reduced price.
   I was tired.  I left the shopping cart at the meat market and thanked Alan.  Then, on my way out, I stopped by the customer service window to leave my card with my blog address on it and advised that I would be posting about the trouble I have been having trying to purchased the steaks.  The lady behind that counter wasn't a  big as a minute.  She was older and exuded calm and authority.  She stated that she would sell the smaller packages to me and help make things right.
   Well, that knocked my socks off!  I just thought I would give them all a big laugh that I was having so much trouble.  She turned things around and asked Alan to help me.  He not only allowed me a couple of the smaller packages, but would put one of the whole ones back for me and hold it until I could get back to buy it.
   Customer service brings your customers back with their friends.  Thank you, Mrs Springer.  When I paid for my items, the staff all agreed that Mrs Springer walked tall among them.  She has earned their respect.

What are your experiences?  You are welcomed to leave a comment.

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