Wednesday, June 22, 2016



   Not everybody grows up with their mom and dad.  It is a sad thing when parents decide to pursue personal pleasure rather than own responsibility for raising their children.  

   When a toddler or a child gets sick, there is nothing more comforting than to be held and loved by a parent.  When a child makes a simple accomplishment such as sitting on the potty and doing their business there rather than in their panties, it is more meaningful to have the praise of a parent than someone off the street.  Or when the child makes a new friend at daycare or a good grade at school, the praise of a parent is far better than that of someone who is not related.

   I want to take a moment to thank all of you who are giving your time, effort, finances, and love to try to stand in for the missing parents.  You guys rock!  I know a few who are involved in trying to make a difference in a child's life, selflessly giving of themselves, comforting and loving children who are not their own.  I stand in awe of you!  In fact, I had someone do that for me.  To this day, she is my role model.

   To the parents of the children who are being raised by someone else, I would like to encourage you to be strong, change direction in your life.  You've been through some really rough spots in your life, but, you got through them!  You can be the parent your children need.  Seek help from anybody who is willing to help you to be the parent you know you can be.  What will you do ten years from now when your child asks you why you weren't there for them?  Today is the first day of your future, make the most of it!  If people are willing to raise your children, people are willing to help you get on a better path.  Take advantage of the resources available to you.

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